Are you moving to an apartment? Do you find it a difficult task because of a lot of work pressure? Okay! Are you excited about this move? If your answers are yes, you are here at the right place. And, it is undeniable Because moving brings a significant change in anyone’s life. It is about to start something new and exciting. The best part is that you get to choose the location of your own choice as per your convenience and growth. However, it isn’t easy to set up the whole moving process from scratch. Also, if you are moving for the first time, there is a very possibility of you finding no idea about what to do and when will be the right time to perform any task.

So, we understand your problem, and we have made an Ultimate checklist for you to get an appropriate idea about what is best to do at the start. Here, we’ll try to cover every step of moving into an apartment.

Also, to make it much easier for you, we have even mentioned how to get a good moving company to ease your work and the steps you can perform on your own.

You can go through each step calmly and decide how to do everything. So, here you go.

Before Calling a Moving Company: –

Below are the things that you can do before calling a moving company NZ. You can perform these on your own to keep a check on your belongings and to make sure you find them in suitable condition even after the move.

Make a Concise List of Inventories: –

The primary reason why people face issues during a move is that they do not have exact knowledge of what are the belongings they own. It is very tough for a person to track everything in your house. So, the first lesson of any move is that you must have an idea of all the objects.

Now as you are going to move, there will be a mess in your whole house. See! There is always a visible chance of losing or misplacing an item, which can happen during the accommodation. Especially when you are moving fragile items, there is a high chance of missing them.

So, the best is to inventory all that you have. You have to include all your possessions in that list.

To start this:

  1. Take a tour of your apartment or house.
  2. Walk to each corner and look at what you have and what is the condition of each item.
  3. Do not miss any side or section of the house.

Now, after this, you need to include them in a sheet. You can either make this digitally or even manually. It’s up to you. But, it is imperative to make a well-structured list of your belongings. All you have to do is keep adding everything in the various sections of the list. There should be a section for bathroom essentials, and same like that, there should be a section for kitchen inventories.

This step will save a lot of your time when you’ll sit to set up everything again in the new apartment.

Divide and Rule: –

Yes! This is the ultimate trick of moving. As you have already made a list of everything in your house, it is better to do the further step. It is best to divide your possessions into different categories. It is best to create categories for ease of your work. It would be best to put each into a category to which it belongs the most. For example, if there is a category named electronics, you must keep all the electronic inventory in that list only. Some people do this, and it is an excellent step.

You can make the categories as per the rooms of your house. After you enter your new apartment, it will be smooth for you to unpack every box and save time searching for any particular piece of item.

Choose a Moving Company: –

No one alone can do the task of moving. You can move on your own, but it will be very tough to manage work and the move together. Also, if you are the only person to look over each step, it is more likely that you might damage the belongings. You will even spend more time making everything work properly, which would be very exhausting. Whether you call any of your friends or family members to help you, it is still very unpredictable how the move will go. That is why it is always preferable to choose a moving company for your purpose.

It is a bit confusing to choose one moving company for you out of all. You cannot just select any removalists for the move. Do not go for the one who has done good marketing or has a perfect name in the market. You need to choose according to work and the number of services they provide. There will be some moving companies who may offer you good service at a very affordable price rate, so that is like a steal deal for you. Do not forget to check the customer reviews for complete surety.

There are a lot of sites that can help compare the moving companies on different parameters. You can take help from any of them available to get a better idea. Make a list of all the moving companies working near your area actively. Get in contact with them and collect all the necessary information.

Now, most people deal with the problem of what to do next when they call any moving company to move an apartment. Everyone goes through this feeling of unstable thoughts. We can help you with this.

After Calling a Moving Company: –

Below are some essential things you can do after calling a professional moving company. These are some tasks that are not related to interrupting the removalists for any reason, but you have to be that much more careful to perform these steps.

Tell Your Movers About Your Whole Moving Plan: –

After you have selected one moving company, the next step is to contact them. You must take all their details about how they start the process and what services they will give after shifting the goods.

Once you have got everything you need to know, it is now your turn to tell them everything about the move. It should be in their knowledge when you are planning to move. Give them the details of the move, like on which date you are planning to move and what are the total items you will take with you to the new residence. Also, it is imperative to discuss how many big or small pieces of furniture you have so that they can arrange the vehicle as per the size of furniture you want to move with.

Tell them when the moving date is and at what time you want to reach the new place.

Guide Them: –

When the moving team of the selected company enters your house, you should first take them on a tour of the whole house.

Show them each corner of your current house and all the inventories. This will help the moving company make an idea about how they will take further action.

Be With Them:-

While they are packing your possessions and disassembling the furniture, you have to be there with them to see how they are working.

See how well they do the packaging and placing the items in the boxes. Just sit next to them or at a side and notice everything.

This is very important because, in the end, it is your work, and you should be seeing how it is happening. The Movers will also feel a bit relaxed in your presence.

Ask Them About Other Services: –

Whenever you hire a moving company or come over to your place, it is your responsibility to ask them what other services they will give you next. These services can be like assembling the furniture again when you move to a new apartment. The other services can also be cleaning and dusting services in the new residence. Some moving companies help with tasks other than just unloading the goods.

Conclusion: –

A moving company can help you in many ways. They can be a tremendous support for you in the move. Doing everything on your own is not bad, but sometimes a person gets so busy that they will find themselves super occupied in multitasking, and this can be pretty exhausting for you. So, it is better to call a moving company for your good. They will do everything on your behalf, and your move will be very smooth and happy.

Team Removals New Zealand offers you uncompromised quality removals services across New Zealand. We are the best removalist company in New Zealand.

To get a free quote, you can Email us at:

Or you can also us a 098 896 066

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